Audits and Assurance Services — FINTRAIL

We conduct both enterprise-wide financial crime audits and targeted assessments of specific controls or risk areas. These reviews can cover the full gamut of financial crime risks, with particular focus on AML, terrorist financing, sanctions evasion, and fraud. 

Our reports highlight findings pertaining to both regulatory compliance and operational efficiency and alignment with best practice, accompanied by practical and prioritised recommendations.

To find out more, please get in touch.


Full anti-financial crime coverage
We provide thorough independent audits, generating prioritised practical recommendations for regulatory compliance, operational effectiveness and efficiency. Our scope can cover anti-money laundering, counter terrorist financing, fraud, sanctions, anti-bribery and corruption, proliferation financing, and tax evasion.

Targeted Assurance
We provide different levels of independent assurance to review specific areas of your programme, generating actionable recommendations for addressing regulatory gaps.

Systems Testing
We conduct testing of all elements of a financial crime framework, covering both processes and tools, providing practical recommendations on enhancements and efficiency gains.


About Our Audits


Audit Regulations Guide

With regulators maintaining increased scrutiny on financial services, you must have a systematic and comprehensive audit process in place while also staying on top of regulatory changes.

In our free audit regulatory guide, we help you keep one step ahead by outlining regulatory developments, emerging areas of focus and regulatory enforcement trends.



Audits & Assurance Scope

The scope of the audit can be expanded to cover fraud, tax evasion, compliance-related items or any other financial crime related matters as well as AML and sanctions at an additional cost. Our final reports highlight observations relating to regulatory compliance and operational efficiency with accompanying practical recommendations.


Our clients love working with us; we are known for being industry experts that deliver exceptional customer service.

We’ve done this in the real world - our SMEs have extensive experience holding senior and operational roles at leading global banks and FinTechs.

Our audits are aligned to the relevant regulatory requirements and industry standards - we perform audits of both UK firms and firms in multiple other jurisdictions around the world.

We are approved by multiple major banking partners, strengthening our credibility as your financial crime audit provider.

We can help you remediate your post-audit findings, even if your audit was conducted by another firm.

We offer peer benchmarking to give you an insight into how your controls compare to similar firms.

 Want to find out more?