FINTRAIL’s Transaction Monitoring Keywords product is designed to assist organisations by providing keywords that could be used in transaction monitoring and screening to detect illicit activity.

We have compiled 12 separate areas split thematically into 2 distinct lists for purchase, individually or together:

List 1: UK Strategic Exports Control List

List 2: List of common words linked to specific predicate offence.

Combined, these lists contain hundreds of hand-selected words expertly compiled by our Consult team, drawing on extensive research and on-the-ground experience reviewing real-world transactions. Using authoritative government and industry group sources to provide maximum coverage, these keywords cover the following categories:

🔸 Controlled dual-use items

🔸 Controlled military items

🔸 Torture goods

🔸 Radioactive sources

🔸 Drugs

🔸 Weapons

🔸 Wildlife-trafficking

🔸 Right-wing terrorism

The keyword list can be updated to add words to cover your financial institution’s exact needs and risk concerns. Where primary and relevant sources of open source research have informed specific lists, these have been noted for your reference to enable further research.

If you’d like to find out more and start fortifying your transaction monitoring programme ASAP, please get in touch: