Free Financial Crime and Cyber Security Surgeries - FinTech and Financial Services

We at FINTRAIL are pleased to launch our free Financial Crime and Cyber Security Surgeries.  

Launching on Tuesday 31st January, we will be running free monthly surgeries providing early stage companies in financial services, including FinTechs, with friendly informal advice and counsel.  We are passionate about helping businesses manage their financial crime risks effectively (money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud, sanctions compliance, tax evasions, bribery & corruption) through a risk based approach, as well as demystifying financial crime risk and compliance.

Our experts will be available to;
- answer any questions you have on financial crime or cyber security
- brainstorm ideas or approaches to your financial crime risk
- advise on how to prevent regulations from inhibiting your business and demystify the regulatory requirements
- prioritise and plan your roadmap
- have a chat about anything else really!

Come and talk to our experts!

Date: Tuesday 31st January & Tuesday 28th February (follow us on social media for future dates)
Time: 45 minute sessions available from 1400hrs
Address: WeWork, 9 Devonshire Square, London EC2M 4YD (please let us know if you are not based in London and we can make alternative arrangements)
How to book: Email

We look forward to meeting you!