APAC Monthly REG-CAP October 2021

FINTRAIL is producing a monthly regulatory summary of any FinCrime changes that may be occurring across APAC.

This issue will cover:

  1. Key updates from regional and local regulators

  2. Key updates from industry guidelines

  3. Additional insights identified from financial intelligence units

October 2021

The key updates from this month's APAC Reg Cap include the Australian Senate Committee releasing its report on its proposed changes to the crypto legislation and licensing in Australia, HKMA issuing guidance on authentication and fraud prevention controls for simplified electronic direct debit transactions and the PBOC issuing guidance for SMEs on applying a risk based approach when opening online accounts.

If you are interested in speaking to the FINTRAIL team about any of the items in the REG-CAP, have any ideas for inclusion or want to discuss any other financial crime topic please get in touch at: contact@fintrail.com